How to Inject Personality into Your Real Estate Marketing

real estate marketing tips for realtors

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It’s true what they say - the more personality you can add to your marketing, the more likely you are to develop genuine connections. 

Whether you’re posting on social, emailing your database, or filming your next video, your personality is what separates you from other real estate agents. And how you come across is also what could attract your next buyer or seller. 

Because people want to get to know the real you, often before they work with you. Yet, many real estate agents aren’t sure how to showcase their personalities or feel awkward doing so with their marketing. So, in today’s episode, I’m covering how to authentically and confidently inject some personality into your marketing! 

Personality isn’t a vanity tactic for your marketing. It makes your marketing more genuine and you more approachable. I don’t want to swap out the headshot on your marketing pieces and be able to replace you with any real estate agent. Generic marketing doesn’t help build your personal brand or foster deep connections. Personality empowers you to create relationships before you’ve ever met your next home buyer or seller because they feel like they already know you. 

It Starts With Your Mindset

I’ve had so many agents approach me over the years and say something similar to, “I really want to try X (whether it’s filming a video or branding themselves in a niche market). But “so and so agent” is already doing it, and they’re so (insert choice of adjective - experienced, captivating, well-known).”  

Nobody is going to get to know you if you’re too focused on what other agents are doing and how their personalities come across. We don’t want to highlight other agents’ personalities. We want yours to shine through.

And personalities vary greatly! I think this is most evident in video marketing. While there is no better way for people to get to know than video, it’s also a source of great comparison. Many thought-leaders and industry pros have high-energy personalities, and if you’re not naturally as charismatic, it can be frustrating watching how they engage on screen. 

I have good news for you here - you don’t have to be them! People want to get to know the real you, and your next buyer or seller wants to work with you, not them. So, don’t compare your presence and traits to others. Your personality will help you attract your ideal customer, and not every customer is attracted to every personality. To dive deeper into this topic, read or listen to “Why Your Real Estate Marketing Isn’t All About You.” 

The more you put yourself out there with your real estate marketing, the more confident you will become! And it often starts with getting out in front of the camera. 

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    Show Up on Camera & on Social 

    Have you ever watched a video and felt like you knew the person on the other side of it? Or have you ever followed someone on social media and felt like you knew them from their photos and posts alone? 

    The number one way to highlight your personality in your real estate marketing is through videos and photos of you! It might feel strange at first and even self-focused, but it’s how people online will be able to connect with you. 

    Video Marketing

    You can’t help but get a sense of somebody’s true personality in video. When filming a video, I like to think of the camera as another person in the conversations. That’s how the person watching will be able to connect with you. And if video marketing for real estate makes you uncomfortable or you don’t know where to begin, don’t worry. I have some goodies and resources that will help!

    Show Your Face on Social

    ideas for real estate on phone yellow.png

    If your social media feed is only full of graphics and homes, how much does that represent your personality? You need to mix in photos of yourself for people to connect with you and get to know you. 

    Over my years of experience in real estate marketing, I have always found great success with encouraging agents to post photos of themselves to grow their businesses strategically. I’ve also found that personal photos are what works for Ideas for Real Estate on Instagram. A photo of me always outperforms any graphics that I post. 

    For example, if I’m promoting an upcoming podcast episode, a personal photo gets more likes, comments, and clicks to my website than a simple graphic does. People are looking to follow and connect with other people - and this is hard to accomplish with generic graphics and stock images. 

    To help you confidently and purposefully reflect who you are through photos, I have some free resources for you!

    However, photos alone aren’t the only way to inject personality into your branding. Your words have power! 

    Write to Highlight Your Personality

    The spoken or written word are excellent ways to get people’s attention. Whether it’s your social media captions, email marketing, or content on your website, the tone, and style can showcase your personality. 

    The easiest way to do this and not overthink it - write as you talk. 

    It’s as simple as that. If you’re writing a social media caption about a new construction neighborhood, describe it like you would tell someone. If you’re witty or funny, make sure to include that in your writing. If you’re more upbeat or even serious, your tone and language can reflect that too. 

    While we no longer write long letters to the people we know, it doesn’t mean we cannot connect with our words. Your language is one of the most overlooked opportunities for developing your brand as a real estate agent! Don’t shy away from how everything you write can be an opportunity to showcase who you are. 

    If you need a little bit more help writing captions, I’d recommend you look at “Ep 20: Three Easy Prompts When You Don’t Know What to Say” for more ideas. 

    Your visuals and language are all aspects of your agent branding - another opportunity to get creative with your marketing. 

    Your Agent Branding

    Your branding as a real estate agent is essentially who you are. Far beyond colors and logos, by building your brand as an agent, you’re investing in your long-term success as an agent. 

    When you think about all the aspects of your branding, from the visuals to the ideals you stand behind, I want you to lean into your personality. Use all that you do as an opportunity to showcase your individuality. 

    For example, if your personality is bright and bubbly, choose a branding scheme that represents this. Your colors can be happier and your language more optimistic.

    Ideas for Real Estate is my brand for real estate marketing. You might have noticed that my colors are a sunny yellow and bold teal. My social media photos are also brighter and airier. I write like I talk, and of course, my podcast episodes sound like me. All of these elements help form my brand and represent who I am as a person. I’m generally happy, positive, and confident. I have a lot of experience with real estate marketing, but my goal is to make high-quality marketing attainable for any agent, regardless of skill level. So, I want my branding to come off as approachable. 

    If you’re copying what’s popular online, you’re not going to stand out as yourself. 

    Branding is a complex topic, so I encourage you to take advantage of my branding resources. 

    Because your branding is an evolution, but it’s also a way to showcase your personality throughout your entire marketing strategy. 

    {Download my free Agent Branding Worksheet}

    The Free Agent Branding Worksheet

    👉 10 essential questions to get clarity & establish a unique brand identity

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      Be Genuine with Your Marketing

      And lastly, you have to stay true to who you are with all of your real estate marketing. You’re going to feel awkward or uncomfortable if the marketing avenues you’re choosing aren’t in line with your personality or branding. 

      If hard sales techniques make your skin crawl, don’t force yourself to do them. Instead, choose marketing techniques that you’re proud of and excited to begin. That’s why I created “Ideas for Real Estate.” I wanted to share creative ideas for marketing that come from a place of value and service, and ideas that aren’t full of sales hacks that manipulate people into working with you. 

      Be true to who you are as an agent and in your marketing, and your authenticity will showcase your personality better than anything else! 

      Moving Forward

      Showing off who you are isn’t for your ego or for the sake of “being different.” It’s a competitive advantage that only you have. There’s only one you in the entire world. There might be a lot of agents who work in your market, but they’re not you. By showcasing your personality in your marketing, we’re enabling human connections and helping you build a lasting brand as a real estate agent. 

      Your ideal buyer or seller is just that, your ideal buyer or seller, and they are looking to work with you. Let’s show them what you’re like by injecting your personality into your marketing! 

      UP NEXT:


      I’m Heather Colby, host of the “Ideas for Real Estate Podcast.”

      If you like what you read here today, I’d encourage you to take a listen to the episodes. :


      The Hidden Opportunities of Lifestyle Marketing for REALTORS


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