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How to Market Your Listings to Attract Buyers and Get More Sellers

Every listing you have is a goldmine in your marketing. You can leverage creative marketing to attract more buyers to the property through social media posts, video, and even more traditional methods. At the same time, the marketing you do for that listing not only can impress the sellers you're working with but it also serves to attract more sellers—creating even more opportunities for you. Then, once you successfully sell the listing you can then leverage that listing to further generate business. And I'm sharing exactly how to accomplish it all. You'll walk away from this training with a step-by-step plan and the templates you need to easily take action!

What you'll takeaway:

  • How to successfully market your next listing

  • Tips to promoting your listing on social

  • How to impress on a listing appointment with your marketing plan

  • Leveraging a listing marketing checklist

  • Marketing ideas for pre-listing, listing, closing, and beyond

Templates you'll get:

  • A listing marketing checklist

  • Social posts to promote your listing & closing

  • Stories and testable listing graphics

  • Reels to share listings & sold

  • Creative listing flyers

  • Postcards for just listed & sold

  • Video ideas to promote the listing

  • Listing marketing plan to present sellers

When & Where:

  • July 25th 2:30PM EST/11:30AM PST

  • How To RSVP for Live Sessions & Access The Full Training:
    This training is exclusive to members of The Marketing Suite! If you’re not a member, be sure to join below -