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7 Video Ideas for REALTOR Branding on Instagram

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If you're trying to build your personal brand as a real estate agent, then I hope you're embracing videos. Videos show off who you are in a way that's captivating and, above all - personal. 

And in today's age, videos can be quick to create and easy to implement into your real estate marketing strategy. You don't need to hire a videographer or spend money on equipment to get results. You just need to show up, be yourself, and create engaging content. 

And Instagram thinks video is key as well. In fact, they recently announced that "Instagram is no longer a photo-sharing app." Instagram sees the success of platforms like TikTok and YouTube, and they want to lean even more into video. And I want you to be able to capitalize on the effectiveness of video on social as well. So in today's episode, I'm sharing 7 creative ideas for video that you can film with your phone and share right away on Instagram.

Real Estate Videos on Instagram 

When I first started doing video marketing for real estate about eight years ago, and at that time, it took a little bit of convincing and a lot of encouragement to get people on video. 

Over the years, everyone started talking about video, and there was a race for high-quality production-style videos. I'm sure you've seen just the videos I'm talking about. These videos look like they should accompany a $10 million home on T.V. And while I love working with videographers for listing videos and special campaigns, it's not necessary for the majority of videos you can do on Instagram. 

On Instagram, you can connect with your next buyer or seller in a 15-second video you shoot on your phone. That's where Instagram Reels can be beneficial to your strategy. (Learn more about Instagram Reels for Real Estate here.) 

Reels are fun to watch, and from a marketing standpoint, it's exciting to see the type of content that agents are creating for real estate. In seconds, you can laugh out loud, learn something new, or even get to know someone. Between Instagram Reels, IGTV, video posts, and even stories, you have so many options for video! 

Personal Branding with Video 

As we've discussed on the show many times, personal branding as a real estate agent is much more than colors and logos. Your branding is all about showcasing who you are and forming relationships based on authenticity - there's no better place to do this than video! (Learn more about how to brand yourself as a real estate agent here.)

So, in today's episode, I'm sharing seven video ideas that you can share on Instagram. 

I'd even challenge you to pick one of these topics and film a quick video this week to share because each of these ideas is designed to help you build your brand as a real estate agent. And the best part - all you need is a phone to get started. The aim of these videos is to create short, engaging content that will help you form connections with your followers and future customers.

If you want to participate, simply share your video on Instagram and tag me at @IdeasforRealEstate, and I would love to take a look! So, let's get right to those ideas!

1. Quick Q&A About You 

Have you ever seen the 73 questions with Vogue series? This idea is my take on this concept where a Vogue reporter follows a celebrity around as they walk and rapidly answer questions.

 The videos are entertaining because not only is it a celebrity, but there's movement (lots of times the celebrity is walking backward or talking over their shoulder or doing something else and talking), and it's quick. 

And you can easily recreate this video idea. Grab a friend and ask them to quickly ask you questions while filming you. Now, I wouldn't do 73 questions because that would take too long! Stick to under a minute and share as a regular video post. 

To build your agent branding, you could take a couple of approaches here. You could answer questions about your life as a REALTOR, you could answer random questions, or you could do a mix of both. I'd recommend trying a combination of both, to begin with. 

For example, your friend could ask you simple questions like: why are you a real estate agent? What's your favorite snack food? What's the weirdest thing you've seen at a listing? Are you a dog or cat person? Why do you love living in your local areal? What's your go-to show on Netflix?

This video gives people a chance to know you while establishing yourself as a real estate agent in their local market. Start by choosing your questions. Give that list to your camera person/interviewer (Don't worry. They don't have to be on video. You can just hear them ask the questions). And finally, you answer the questions on camera. 

2. What You Learned from Your Mistake 

Not every mistake is something to be ashamed of. Mistakes make us human and allow us to grow. I've made some mistakes in my career and daily life, and I'm sure you have to! 

Sometimes we make little mistakes that are easy to fix, larger mistakes that are life lessons, but whatever it is - mistakes are relateable.

You could film a quick video sharing a blunder you've had today and how you learned from it. For example, maybe you drove off from your showing with your coffee on the top of your car. And now you don't start the car without checking for your coffee. 

This would be an idea that would work well for Instagram Stories or Reels. On the other hand, you could share something more heartfelt. Maybe you film a video and share that when you started in real estate you made the mistake of going, going all the time, and started to get burnt out. Now, you make a point to take time to spend with your loved ones and relax, and why you recommend that other people do this too. You'll always be there for your clients but it's important to have a work-life balance. 

People can relate to this journey, and it's a great way to start conversations!

3. Share Your Passion or Interest 

Let people get to know you by sharing what you're passionate about - outside of real estate! Do you love biking, cooking, organizing, or have a hobby? Create a quick video to highlight this side of you.

You could start off by saying, "You might know I'm a REALTOR but did you know I'm also an amateur chef or avid gardener?"

Then, in the video, you can talk more about that interest OR simply share yourself doing the activity that you love. So, you might say, "You might know I'm a REALTOR, but did you know that I love to bake?" Then in the video, you share short clips of you baking your delicious treat and then the end result. 

I think this idea would work great for Instagram Stories or Reels as well. It's such a simple concept, but it shares so much about your personality while giving people the chance to see what you enjoy doing.

4. Why You Love Where You Live 

If you want to tie yourself into your local community and build your brand as the go-to local agent, this is an ideal video for you.

The goal is to share what it is about your local area that you enjoy. So, this video could be very short. Maybe it's a quick video of you in front of your favorite boutique shopping area, and you say, "One of the many reasons I love living in XYZ area is for the great shopping!" and then go on to show some of your favorite local shops.

This idea would be great for an Instagram Story or Reel. Or you could make a longer video. Grab a tripod or ask a friend for help and record your top 3 reasons why you love living in your local area or why your family moved to the area. 

Consider what you would tell a friend and simply record and share it!

5. Show Off Your Agent Branding

If we're talking about agent branding, then let's highlight your agent branding! While most people will probably not be interested in a video where you tell them about your logo, people do love a good behind the scenes. 

If you've been working on any branding projects, share what that process is like. You could open up your laptop and say, "I've been working really hard on streamlining my branding as a real estate agent and wanted to share with you what I've come up with!" And then walk them through what you've created and why it's important to you or could even help your customers. 

For example, you could talk about how your new luxury branding helps you attract buyers for your multi-million dollar listings. On the other hand, if you've taken the time to create Core Values, share those! (In Episode 18: 3 Branding Rules to Reconsider, I talk about Core Values and more ideas you could share on video.)

While your branding might be you looking your best, this next idea is making you even more relatable

6. Misconceptions vs Reality 

Every day, people watch HGTV and reality series of what they think life in real estate is actually like. 

Play into some of those misconceptions with this entertaining video. I think this would work great for Instagram Reels. What are people assuming about your life in real estate compared to what your life is actually like? 

For example, you could create a Reel where you're all dressed up in professional dress and calmly walking through a home. That part of the video is "what people think real estate is like." In the next part, you've got multiple cups of coffee on your desk, phones ringing off the hook, as you try and juggle ten things at once. 

Whatever it is, you can keep it light and entertaining. If you want to get more personal, you could film a longer video where you share what you thought life in real estate would be like, what it's actually like, and why you love it. Either idea gives people a glimpse into your life as a real estate agent.

7. Your Life-Changing Hack or System as a REALTOR 

People are always looking to make their lives easier! 

Have you figured out something that is making yours easier? Share your morning ritual, organizational hack, or whatever system or process you have that makes the day-to-day of your life more streamlined. 

This idea could cover a wide variety of topics! It might be meal prepping for the week or how you organize your trunk with all your real estate gear. 

Getting Engagement on Social 

All of these ideas are bound to get you engagement online while building your personal brand. That way, you can quickly pick one idea, film it ASAP, and share it on Instagram!

We want people to stop and notice what you're sharing, but more importantly, we want to use social media to form connections. 

And the more you do video, the more you get used to doing video, and the more people get to know you. And once they get to know you, I know they're going to want to work with you.

If you're interested in more video, branding, and Instagram ideas, then don't miss:


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I’m Heather Colby, host of the “Ideas for Real Estate Podcast.”

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