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3 Essential Branding Ideas to Reconsider as a REALTOR®

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Branding for Real Estate is one of my absolute favorite topics. Branding not only tells your story but it also gives you the opportunity to create new connections. While branding is traditionally thought of from the visual aspect alone, it’s so much more than that. It’s who you are and what you mean to other people. 

So, on today’s episode, we’re going to have some fun. I’ve narrowed down three very popular branding ideas for REALTORS®. Ideas you might even think are essential. And I’m taking the possibly unpopular stance that all three are not necessary! Instead, I have three modern ways for you to reinvent these “essential real estate branding requirements” to better show off who you are as an agent, a person, and your own brand. 

1) Instead of a Logo Focus on Your Visual Identity  

I fully expect to get some pushback on this first tip and whispered comments like, “Who does she think she is? Can you believe she’s recommending this?” 

But I won’t stay quiet!  

I do not think that for single agents it is necessary to have a logo. I think if you have a logo already, that’s awesome. There is definite value to having a logo, especially if you are a team. But if you don’t have a logo, I don’t think you need to rush out and get one. 

You might be thinking that this goes against everything you learned in Marketing 101. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing. I was in those classes where we looked at logos and derived emotional feelings from the way the font looks and brand recognition from a stylized icon. 

However, I don’t think logos are necessary for real estate agents. I think they are a trap that a lot of agents get caught in when they start their personal branding journeys. They feel like they NEED one to be a personal brand. 

{Need more help with your agent branding? Grab a copy of my Agent Branding Worksheet here}

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Generic Logos 

Then, the hard part comes. They either feel stressed out about becoming a graphic designer to make one or they end up buying one likely on the internet that doesn’t even reflect who they are.

It’s likely a house icon with their name in cursive underneath. Now, I might have offended a lot of people with that last comment, but I want to demonstrate something. If you can clearly visualize exactly what I’m talking about and replace the text with any name, then it’s true. It’s just not a truly personalized representation of who you are as a brand. 

Your logo is not your brand. 

Branding Beyond Logos

If you already have a generic logo, it’s ok. Because logos aren’t who you are as a brand. A brand goes way beyond a logo. A brand is who you are, and that can’t be represented with a symbol and font. Your brand is the level of service people can expect when working with you. 

Your brand is based on the trust that people put into you when buying or selling a home. Your brand is all of the feelings associated with you and what past customers feel like when they think about you or recommend you. 

Take a look at my Instagram for inspiration - @IdeasForRealEstate

Now, branding today, especially on social media, can be very visual. We want people to recognize that you’re you! Take a look at my Instagram for inspiration of how branding can be tied to your personality while being memorable. One way I create a cohesive brand is by focusing on my visual identity.

Focus on Your Visual Identity  

We want to create a cohesive aesthetic when it comes to what you post on social media and the marketing materials you create. Spend more time thinking about the cohesion of your general aesthetic than your logo. 

Craft a Consistent Visual Identity 

Consistency is your visual identity is what matters. Choose colors, fonts, and imagery that matches and you use regularly. If you’re hosting an open house and the flyer looks like you and your branding, I don’t think a logo is necessary. 

It can sometimes be confusing with brokerage logos and depending on your state, you need to be careful about how you even advertise a personal logo. 

I could easily turn this whole episode into branding for real estate & visual identity, but I want to get to my next two tips. So, remember, logos can be nice, but they really aren’t necessary.

2. Replace Slogans With Something More Meaningful 

I see this next one a lot as well. I think slogans are often times another box to check in a real estate marketing or business plan. 

I don’t think you need a slogan. 

When I think about slogans, I think of jingles and very traditional advertising. In fact, I’m having a hard time coming up with a company that’s become very popular in the last 5 years and their slogan. Maybe they use it on their website or email signatures, but the public doesn’t respond to slogans as much anymore.

It’s more important that people know who you are and how you can help them. How you can help them is actually the key to all of your real estate marketing. 

If you haven’t already, please tune into Episode 11: Why Your Real Estate Marketing Isn’t All About You. We want to clearly demonstrate to our ideal customer why you are the right agent for them and what they can expect when working with you.

Instead of spending too much time trying to come up with some catchy or cutesy sounding tagline, I’d focus more on figuring out what matters to your customer. 

If they’re deciding between you or another agent, what is going to truly set you apart? 

You’ve probably heard a lot about mission and vision statements. I’m not going to talk about them. I have another recommendation for you that will be truly meaningful to your buyers, sellers, and past customers. 

Create a Core Value List

A core value list outlines what you believe in as an agent and what your customers can truly expect when working with you. It can also be a guideline for how you manage your business. If you’re a team or even a company, your core value list can even define your culture. Here’s a look at some Core Values from Whole Foods.

“We Satisfy And Delight Our Customers - Our customers are the lifeblood of our business and our most important stakeholder. We strive to meet or exceed their expectations on every shopping experience.

We Care About Our Communities And The Environment - We serve and support a local experience. The unique character of each store is a direct reflection of a community’s people, culture, and cuisine.” 

Core values can define who you are and even put customers’ minds at ease when working with you. It’s a marketing idea where the foundation is based on what matters. What matters to you. Why that matters to the people you serve.

Your core values could cover a range of topics from the level of service you provide, to the type of communication people can expect, to what matters to you in your communities. 

I think core values are so much more exciting than slogans and something that I would include in any new buyer or seller packets or presentations you create. 

It’s a piece that can take the center stage in your real estate marketing and not come of as “marketing.”

My last tip is something I am on a personal mission to end. 

3. Move Over REALTOR® Headshots for Lifestyle Photos 

REALTOR® headshots can get a bad rap and have definitely been the inspiration for many internet memes. 

My problem with the agent headshot is so many people have just the one! You are not just one photo. You are so much more than just one photo. The public also knows that you are more than just this one photo. Yet, why do we keep using the same photo on everything for oftentimes, years? 

I want you to think back to my previous example with celebrities. Celebrities don’t just use the same photo of them on everything. Yet, we still know it’s them. I’d highly encourage you to ditch the traditional notion of your agent headshot. 

Invest In a Collection of High-Quality Images

I want you to have a collection of high-quality images that you use to represent yourself. 

Go look at my Instagram. I have dozens of photos of myself to represent my branding. It’s important, especially on social media, to have a variety of personal branding photos. 

I’d encourage you to completely ditch the “headshot mentality.” I want you to start thinking of yourself and your personal brand as being represented with lots of high-quality images of you. 

I’d even challenge you to take it one step further. 

{Download your free copy of my Agent Branding Worksheet here to help identify your unique agent brand!}

Taking Lifestyle Photos

Instead of opting for the basic background photos in a studio, shake it up with lifestyle photos. Now, I’ve talked about this on the podcast before. Lifestyle photos are photos of you out-and-about. They’re photos that truly represent your branding, who you are, and what you do. If you’re not sure, check out my Instagram. I  post 90%+ of my content as lifestyle photos. 

This gives you content for social media but also demonstrates YOU as the brand. The logo’s not the brand. The slogan’s not the brand. You are the brand. We want to demonstrate this in engaging ways. Single headshots aren’t going to cut it anymore. You and your marketing deserve better. 

Work With a Pro or DIY Photos

You can work with a professional photographer to get high-quality images or even plan a mini-photoshoot on your own. I take all my photos with a cell phone camera and creative editing!

Learn how to take your own branding photos or work with a pro I have two confidence boosting resources. First, check out “How to Take Branding Photos for REALTORS®.” In this blog post & podcast episode, I share all my best tips. Second, download my “Branding Photos Worksheet.” This freebie will help you plan your next shoot (DIY or pro) and give you tips from editing your photos to posing ideas.

You might feel like photos of yourself are self-centered. That’s not the case at all!. If you have a collection of high-quality images of your self, you will get so much use out of them. Also, I think there’s a mental benefit of seeing yourself in a new light - you are the brand. 

Your Customers and Your Brand

Always keep in mind, your ideal customer wants to work with you. 

Great branding is going to help them find you. One of the ways that we can enhance our branding in a modern way is by dialing in our visual identity. At the same time, we never want to forget that branding isn’t just visual. 

Branding is the feeling people have when they think about you. 

Great branding isn’t tricked but it’s often created over a period of time. So, give yourself permission to figure out what that is, and allow it to evolve as well. Because your branding is as much about you as it is about the customers you serve.

Keep Learning About Branding for Real Estate

Since I first released this post, I’ve created many more resources to help you define your agent branding!

I’d recommend you also check out:

And keep in mind, branding yourself is a process! So, don’t feel like you have to rush into decision or fall into the comparative trap of what other agents are doing. There is only one agent - in the entire world - exactly like you, and your ideal customer is looking to connect with you!

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